My theory is your plugged in some antagonist mind and each of the separate stages is a different protagonist mind hence the name “The evil within” The game is nice with some innovative mechanics that make it stand apart from the rest such as, your health does not regenerate to a certain point unless standing still, and a stamina bar, also wall mines will detonate if standing these things culminate in a title that is frustrating and punishing at the same time. What can you say about a horror game? This game tries to be too much like a movie and loses focus of what it is trying to convey for example, What can you say about a horror game? This game tries to be too much like a movie and loses focus of what it is trying to convey for example, the team had allot of ideas threw them in on the surface that looks alright however, when really think about the concept of the story it works better as a movie than a game and here is why.